
Hi ,I'M Muhammet

I am a full-stack web developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Node.js and MongoDB. I have projects on creating both front-end and back-end dynamic and responsive user interfaces, as well as databases using SQL and NoSQL. I am good at implementing intuitive user logic based on end-to-end solutions. I maintain a holistic approach to web development, staying up to date on emerging technologies and adapting to project requirements.


Transforming Visions

I am a full-stack web developer with a comprehensive skill set covering both front-end and back-end technologies. I am proficient in HTML, CSS,SASS, JavaScript,React,TS - Node.js and MongoDB to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces Database management experience using SQL and NoSQL databases with server-side languages such as I am committed to providing end-to-end solutions, whether it is designing intuitive user experiences or implementing powerful server-side logic. I take a holistic approach to web development with a keen interest in staying up-to-date on emerging technologies. "I like to work for the requirements.


My Services


A frontend web developer skilled in React and TypeScript builds dynamic user interfaces efficiently. Leveraging React's component-based approach and TypeScript's strong typing, they create scalable and maintainable applications, driving innovation in web development.


A backend developer utilizes technologies like MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Node.js to create the server-side logic of web applications. MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are popular databases used to store and manage data, while Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that executes server-side code. With these tools, backend developers design and implement the functionality that powers the dynamic behavior of websites and web applications


Full-stack developers employ Docker and Kubernetes for efficient app deployment and management, providing robust solutions for scaling and orchestrating applications. Testing methodologies ensure that code meets quality standards, contributing to the overall stability and functionality of web applications. .

Educto && Skill


React Developer

React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It simplifies development by using reusable components, making it ideal for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. Redux is a state management library for JavaScript apps, commonly used with React. It helps maintain application state in a centralized store, offering a predictable way to manage and update state in complex applications..


MERN React Developer

A MERN Stack Developer is a skilled professional well-versed in building web applications using the MERN stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. With expertise in both frontend (React.js) and backend (Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB) technologies, they create seamless and responsive full-stack applications. MERN developers leverage their knowledge of JavaScript to design and implement robust, scalable, and interactive solutions. Their proficiency in the MERN stack allows them to contribute to the entire development process, from database design to user interface implementation..



MongoDB, MySQL, and SQL are prominent database technologies. MongoDB is a NoSQL database known for its flexibility, scalability, and JSON-like document structure. MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) widely used for structured data, transactions, and reliability. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases. These technologies serve diverse needs, offering solutions for both NoSQL and relational database requirements in various applications..






TS Developer

A TypeScript (TS) developer specializes in using TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. TS enhances code quality and developer productivity by catching errors during development. A TS developer leverages strong typing and modern JavaScript features, contributing to the creation of robust and maintainable applications..


Node Js Developer

A Node.js Developer specializes in using Node.js, a server-side JavaScript runtime. Proficient in both frontend and backend development, Node.js Developers leverage its non-blocking, event-driven architecture to create scalable and high-performance applications. They work with frameworks like Express.js, build RESTful APIs, and handle data storage with databases like MongoDB. Node.js Developers contribute to the efficient and seamless functioning of web applications, making them adept at creating real-time applications, APIs, and microservices.


Android<NATIVE> Developer

An Android (Native) Developer is a skilled professional focused on creating native Android applications using Java or Kotlin programming languages. They have expertise in Android SDKs, UI/UX design principles, and various device capabilities. Native Android Developers collaborate to build applications that take full advantage of the Android platform's features, ensuring optimal performance and user experience. They work with Android Studio, integrate third-party libraries, and address compatibility issues across different Android devices. Native Android Developers play a crucial role in crafting responsive, efficient, and visually appealing mobile applications for the Android ecosystem.

React Js






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